Location: Singapore

Friday, May 11, 2007

More Singaporeans venturing overseas for work

I came across this article in the online version of the Business Times (7 May 2007) on a growing trend of Singaporeans venturing out to seek employment opportunities. Reasons for this ‘exodus’: (1) Money; and (2) Prospects.

As I Think about it, I would like to work overseas again at some point in the foreseeable future. I’ve decided that I will continue to stay here for at least another 5 years, but then, I’ll go. The plan is to spend a few years in each of the following countries: Hong Kong, Japan, US and UK (back there?! LOL!) But don’t get me wrong, its not so much for the money (although I’m sure it would come to good use!)

The legal industry, and particularly the technology law industry, promises to grow over the years to come. Although, its been quite exciting for me to come across the many reports in the papers about new laws, new developments, new arrests even, we are still very far behind the above mentioned countries in the development of laws (including case law). This is the reason for venturing out - experience and expertise.

But what I found interesting is that reasons such as “better” or “more flexible” work hours were decided missing!

I suspect that this is because the hours will be equally as long. I also think that its part and parcel of working life in our generation. I myself have been leaving the office no earlier than 10pm - usually pass 11pm. Not that I’m complaining (on the contrary I think its exciting! I’m thrilled with the amount I’m learning and love the daily challenges!).

This is not only commonplace today, but it is likely to get even more challenging. As commented in a previous entry, I believe that with continual globalisation and the advent of more technological breakthroughs (including the Blackberry), time zones will necessarily become blurred. As technology also purports to make it easier and quicker to get work done, our outputs would naturally be expected to go up. Those who cannot cope and adapt will fall into oblivion.


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