
Location: Singapore

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

This was my daily reading for this morning. It is very disappointing when people use religion to advance themselves.

To me it's not prudent nor a real advantage as one is inviting stricter scrutiny of one's actions, performance and even character which would otherwise not be required. Higher standards are always expected of those who openly declared their pious - perhaps rightly so.

Worst still, in some cases, I think one's actions and speech may even be tantamount to blasphemy. I recently said to someone that I would rather hear a non-believer blaspheme my God than a believer blaspheming against my God through his declarations of holiness etc and inconsistent actions.

MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011
Using God

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.
—Colossians 3:23–24

Sometimes people will attempt to use God for personal gain. They will invoke the name of Jesus Christ when they need something from people who believe in Him. Politicians are very fond of this. When that election cycle comes along, all of the sudden they are talking about their faith in God and how important their faith is to them. There will be that photo op where they are attending church. But I look at their voting record to see where they stand on issues that are important to me as a follower of Jesus Christ. Religious rhetoric isn't going to cut it.

I like what Abraham Lincoln said: "My concern is not whether God is on our side. My greatest concern is to be on God's side."

Politicians aren't the only ones who use God, however. Salespeople will do it to get a sale. Maybe they even have their business cards printed up with a Christian symbol or Scripture verse on them. I am not critical of that—if they have that on their cards because they want to glorify God through their business. But here is what I would say to people who do this: please perform your work well.

Quite frankly, people will use their faith to get the job, but then they will do halfhearted work at best. The point is to do what you do for the glory of God and then that will earn you the right to share your faith. The witness will be in the work that is done well. So if you frame houses, then do that for God's glory. If you flip burgers, then do that for God's glory. If you are a plumber, then do that for God's glory.

But don't use God to get something from someone else. Let God use you.

- Posted using my iPhone

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Will there be change or business as usual?

As I watched the various victory speeches and the PM's Press Conference last night I kept hearing the phrase "it's now time to put aside our differences and come together" - a common appeal and rallying call at the end of elections regardless of the country concerned.

In the last few days, Singaporeans have been boldly vocal about their unhappiness with the way things have been. This led the ruling party (represented by the PM) to acknowledge that mistakes have been made and to apologize. Ministers have said no government is perfect and that they will "improve". The Foreign Minister (now former Foreign Minister) George Yeo even promised reform within the party - but he's now out.

All this makes me wonder whether we're all at cross purposes - what does the promise to "right what is wrong" and "improve" mean?

Does it mean that changes will be made to the ruling party's policies which the people are concerned and/or angry about or struggling with? (eg rising cost of living/housing, ministerial salaries, too many foreigners, etc) Or does it mean that they will change the system to entrench themselves and their policies further and make it more difficult to oppose, challenge or cope with them.

Do PM's comments and references to "difficult decisions and trade-offs which governing Singapore involves" perhaps carry an undertone of "there there, you've aired your grievances. We've heard what you had to say. But it's now time for you to fall in line. Our minds are made up and decisions have been or will be made. We know what's best - there are bigger, more important things than just you that you don't understand"?

I wonder.

So will there be change or business as usual?

I guess only time will tell....

- Posted using my iPhone