
Location: Singapore

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Persecuted for the right reasons

Read this for my daily morning reading sometime this week. It's from Greg Laurie and is based on 1 Peter 3:13–14. He says:

In all honesty, there are some Christians who do some really lame, really odd things. Just because someone is converted doesn't mean he or she will stop being somewhat obnoxious. I have met some converted, but obnoxious, people. And I have wondered why they have to be needlessly offensive when it comes to sharing their faith. The objective in sharing our faith is not to burn a bridge; it is to build one. The goal is not to win the argument; it is to win the soul. Yet sometimes people will be unnecessarily aggressive. They might even be a little mean. They will misrepresent Christ. And as a result, they will be persecuted.

Then they will say, "Oh, praise God! I am being persecuted for the sake of righteousness." No, in all reality, they are being persecuted because they are behaving like jerks. As Peter tells us, "Now, who will want to harm you if you are eager to do good?

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