Location: Singapore

Friday, November 09, 2007

I’ve been finding it extremely difficult to get myself motivated with regards to my exam preparations.


Perhaps its the knowledge that I will never be required to use any of the subjects I’ve been required to undertake this semester to use in my working life. It was much easier to accept this when I was in the UK, since, at the time, I had no idea what I would be doing in terms of practice area (besides, i had a goal then.. getting a 2:1.. I suppose the goal now could be getting called.. but yet it doesn't seem to work). Now that I do know which area I'll be in, its so much harder. Add to that the fact that one of the subjects is land law!

I also have fears that, having left university so many years ago, I have forgotten what is expected of me in law examinations. Of course, I can remember the formula – principle > cases/authority. But as with all formulas or textbook answers, they do not offer much practical aid nor do they remove the anxiety. In addition, I find it so difficult to remember the principles and cases themselves! (maybe its all that handphone usage making me more stupid…) No doubt its an open book examination (What are those again? Now that’s another problem – never had those before, don’t know what’s expected!) but we’ve been told to prepare as though it was a closed book examination. Like WTF??!

Today’s the 8th (so I’ve got abt 2wks left to go).. I’ve only sorta completed one topic from one subject.. boy am I fuct!


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