Location: Singapore

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Pirates Spray DVDs with chemicals to throw off dogs
The Straits Times, 27 March 2007, p11.

I just read this article in the Straits Times (27th March 2007) about what DVD pirates have now doing so as not to evade the police. Most of us are familiar with the street vendors and even the shops in malls with secret rooms (fitted with CCTV and even remote-controlled doors). We all know how big these operations must be. So it really doesn’t surprise most of us to read stories of police raids seizing US$2.8 million worth of pirated DVDs, CDs and computer games. We don’t even finch at the news that they’re all back to business within under 24 hours.

It seems that in a bid to help law enforcement to apprehend these pirates and “destroy” their operations, the Motion Picture Association of American has loaned the Malaysian authorities 2 Labrador retriever sniffer dogs. The pair have apparently been very successful in operations throughout the country. This has caused pirates to spray their loot with chemicals to throw the dogs off. This again didn’t surprise me.

But what did get me interested and somewhat surprised is how this “game” between pirates and police is starting to play out like one of the many movies that the pirates are producing and distributing! It seems that last week authorities had to move the dogs to a “safe house” after a source revealed that there was a plot (and reward) for the death of the dogs. Imagine that!

As much as I love animals (and dogs in particular… and even more specifically retrievers) I couldn’t help but see the “funny” side in all of this. I can just imagine these “harden” criminal types coming together (mafia-style… in their expensive suits… all from separate entrances and locations… bodyguards surrounding them…) in some remote location, to discuss the plot! (yesh yesh, I have an over-active imagination! I blame too many movies I’ve watched (and continue to watch)… Afterall, I go to the movies every week and watch everything indiscriminately!!).


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